by Nan Jones @NanJonesAuthor
Racing, debilitating thoughts cut troughs of confusion through my mind. Repetitive doubts and fears carved the gullies deeper and deeper as the silent noise ricocheted across my spirit, stifling the quiet whisper of God.
I felt desperate to hear from the Lord…desperate.
I tried shouting to Him.
I tried crying.
Fumbling from chore to chore.
Nothing worked. There was too much noise in my head shutting out the peaceful voice of God.
Come to Me, Nan. Come to Me and be still.
I tossed the whispered message around with the confusing, tormenting ones.
And then He spoke again, Come to Me, Nan.
His voice was so tender. So compelling. I walked into my study, feeling led to turn on some quiet praise music. Curling up on the loveseat, I cuddled a pillow, closed my eyes, and rested quietly as the music carried me to the throne of grace.
My focus began to change. My confusing thoughts came into order and, like water swirling down a drain, my anguish washed away. As the melodious strains of praise filled my study, my soul quieted. The Presence of God surrounded me, holding back the taunts of the tormentor. A holy hush filled the room and soothed me.
Elijah also learned this lesson. He didn’t curl up on a loveseat listening to praise music, but He did obey the Lord’s bidding to come. And when Elijah obeyed, the Lord ministered to him. Chaos, fear, and doubt churned about him, but because he did what the Lord asked, the voice of the Lord was made clear to him.
the Lord told him.
Yes! God is mighty. Powerful. Magnificent. But He is also tender and gentle towards His child. Action is required if we want to shut out the noise of personal chaos and rest in His tenderness – we must answer the Lord’s bidding to come.
Can you hear Him calling your name?
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Can you hear Him calling your name? FINDING GOD’S PRESENCE ~ QUIET WHISPERS (Click to Tweet)
I felt desperate to hear from the Lord…desperate. (Click to Tweet)
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page to be blessed and encouraged as Steven Curtis Chapman sings, “Be Still and Know.”
"Chaos, fear, and doubt churned about him, but because he did what the Lord asked, the voice of the Lord was made clear to him." Powerful words! Praying the Lord will draw us close to Him and we will hear His clear, soft, still voice in our most inner being.
Bless you sweet friend. That is the prayer of my heart also. I love you Marcie girl 🙂