by Nan Jones @NanJonesAuthor
A few days ago someone posted this song on facebook. It touched me deeply and I realized that it’s powerful words represent fully what I have come to know about the Lord, and what I desperately want you to know as well: He is magnificent, Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, and yet? And yet He pursues us – you and me – with His great love. He is tender towards His children. He is personal and intimate in His care for us, calling us by name. And although that may sound like a fairytale to some, I have experienced this truth in my life and nothing anyone can say will ever convince me otherwise.
“Behold, what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” ~ 1 John 3:1
Yes! You are a child of God. You are loved from everlasting to everlasting and when you cry, He cries. When you hurt, He hurts.
Amazing love, isn’t it? Will you embrace His love today? In the midst of your messy life with its hurts and difficulties – its impossibilities – will You run to Your Heavenly Father and let Him put the broken pieces back together?
Making a list of all of the good things You’ve done for me
Lord, I’ve never been one to complain
But right now I’m lost and I can’t find my way
My world’s come apart and it’s breaking my heart
But it helps to know Your heart is breaking too
When I cry, You cry
When I hurt, You hurt
When I’ve lost someone
It takes a piece of You too
And when I fall on my face
You fill me with grace
‘Cause nothing breaks Your heart
Or tears You apart
Like when I cry
Alone in the dark, face in my hands, crying out to You
Lord, there’s never been a time in my life
There’s so much at stake, there’s so much to lose
But I trust it to You
You’ll bring me through
And it helps me to know that I’m not alone
When I cry, You cry
When I hurt, You hurt
When I’ve lost someone
It takes a piece of You, too
And when I fall on my face
You fill me with grace
‘Cause nothing breaks Your heart
Or tears You apart
Like when I cry
You’re the One who calmed the raging sea
You’re the One who made the blind to see
You looked through all of heaven and eternity
And through it all You saw me …
When I cry, You cry
When I hurt, You hurt
And when I’ve lost someone it takes a piece of You, too
When I fall on my face, You fill me with grace
Nothing breaks Your heart, or tears You apart
Like when I cry.
Could I pray with you?
Father, You are faithful and true, merciful and good. You calmed the sea, made the lame to walk. You hung the stars in place and yet You know our names. We are Your children. Through the blood of Jesus, a way was made for us to know You as You know us. May we never take that for granted! Open our ears to hear Your sweet whispers of love. Open the eyes of our understanding to grasp the truth that You desire intimate relationship with Your children. What an amazing thought. Thank You for Your love. I pray for those who want to know You more. Let them feel the exhilarating love of their Father. You are an awesome God. We bless Your holy Name.
A Tweetable to Encourage Others
Where is God when I cry? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (click to tweet)
Wow! Beautiful song! Thank you for ministering to me this morning dear friend. He knows, He sees, He loves and He holds your precious tears. What a blessing. 🙂
It IS beautiful, isn't it? I'm thankful it ministered to you as much as it did to me. What a powerful message.