With my Bible in hand, and coffee cup close by, I clicked on a YouTube playlist of worship songs to begin my morning. Jesus was calling me to come just as I am. Worship songs with powerful melodies soared, and thought-provoking lyrics rang true in my heart. I lifted my hands in praise and focused on Jesus.
Then it happened.
Out of the blue.
Jesus Touched Me and Beckoned Me to Come to Him
Tears began to stream at the oddest moment. I couldn’t believe my ears! The Lord chose that old, familiar hymn, Just As I Am, to play — the very one whose sentiments had been on my heart. You know the one. It’s used for altar calls across our land, the one we associate with calling someone to salvation.
But this time it was different. It was just for me. The Lord was calling me to come … to Him … just as I am.
In my weakness — come to Him and He will make me strong.
In my sorrow — come to Him and He will give me joy and laughter once again.
In my extraordinary fatigue — come to Him and He will give me energy and stamina to complete the work of my hands and heart.

For you see, “just as I am without one plea,” His blood was shed for me. And “though tossed about with many a conflict and many a doubt, fighting fears within, without,” Jesus bid me to come … the precious Lamb of God called me to come.
So I did.
I curled beneath the shadow of His wing and rested in His Presence. I responded to His love even though I had nothing to give — I was poor, wretched, and filled with worry. And yet He called me to come.
All I need, I find in Him.
O Lamb of God, I Come
God is no respecter of persons. What He has done for me, He will do for you.
“Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve. Because Thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.”
… because Thy promise I believe … O Lamb of God, I come.
I come.
*Just as I Am, Charlotte Elliott, 1835

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Sweet blessings to you,