“The Lord your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you, according to all He did for you in Egypt before your eyes, and in the wilderness where you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, in all the way that you went until you came to this place.” ~ Deuteronomy 1:30,31. NKJV

I can sense in my spirit that many of my brothers and sisters are crumbling beneath the weight of finances, illness, loneliness, broken relationships, shame…

Dear one, you are not alone. Let me say it again…you are not alone. The Lord Most High is with you. Can we fathom it? Can we allow the eyes of our heart to see ourselves lifted into the arms of the One who loves us? His love knows no bounds. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us so that we could know Him.

Father God carries you in His arms of love.

Dare to believe this awesome truth. The world would want to mock you for believing such an impossibility, but I would say to you: I know in my knower that I have been carried by my Lord. In my darkest moments – my deepest despair -I felt His Presence, I knew His love. When I felt like my heart would literally break in two, He lifted me and held me near to His heart.

Do you feel faint from your burdens? Do you feel you can’t go on? The Lord promised us He would never leave us nor forsake us. When you feel as though you are all alone in your pain, that is when He is carrying you.

Father, Your love astounds me. Thank You – from the bottom of my heart, thank You. Help each of us grasp the Truth of Your love. Open the eyes of our hearts to see and experience Your strong arms lifting us above our burdens and carrying us until we get to the other side. You are an amazing God. We love you Lord.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please go to the Morning Glory page to be blessed beyond measure as Lynda Randle sings, “He Will Carry You” at a Gaither concert. Sweet blessings to you.