Closing my eyes, I leaned back and sat still, waiting on the Lord. I knew He wanted to show me something. Life had been hard. The flame of adversity had been fierce. Relentless. I found myself seeking the Lord for solace … and understanding.
I struck the match and pressed its flame against the candlewick. Within moments, a globe of fire consumed the string and burned bright. I watched as the flame grew stronger, melting the aromatic candle. The more melting occurred, the stronger the fragrance — the farther its reach as the aroma permeated the room.
There is purpose in the flame of adversity
I realized the candle’s flame was bringing about the purpose of the candle.
The flame of adversity in my life was doing the same.
Melting. Molding. Preparing me for such a time as this.
“But thank God! He has made us His captives and continues to lead us along in Christ’s triumphal procession. Now He uses us to spread the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?” ~ 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, NLT
Is my life a sweet fragrance of Christ ascending to the throne of God? Is yours? I think most of us ascribe to this beautiful thought and desire the evidence of such, and in some moments perhaps my tongue, my attitude, and my actions are a sweet aroma.
But then there are the days when my flesh stinks … even to me! This leads me to what I believe the Lord wanted me to see as I watched the candle burn. The hardened candle itself began to melt. The longer the “flame kindled upon it”, the more it melted. The more it melted, the more the fragrance was released.
I thought of my heart and the places I carefully guard from others. Could it be that in my guarding, I am also resisting the Lord’s presence there? His touch?
It’s the flame that melts the hardened candle.
It’s the flame of adversity that can melt our hearts, allowing the liquid love of our Father to flow through the barren and wounded places. As His love flows, more and more melting occurs bringing healing, renewal … a sweetness of heart that fills to the brim with praise. That is when the sweet aroma of Christ rises to bring a blessing to our God, and permeates our surroundings bringing a vital fragrance, living and fresh to those around us, drawing them to Him — the One who loves them more than anyone can imagine.
Melted Hearts Allow God’s Love to flow
A few hours later I blew on the candle. The flame went out and a plume of smoke rose, wafting upwards.
I couldn’t help but think of God’s consuming fire accepting a sacrifice on the altar of His love — an offering of a heart once hardened and now set free.
Bless the Name of the Lord.
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Sweet blessings to you,