The longer I walk with the Lord, the more I gain an understanding of Who He is and who I am not. I’m very thankful for this insight — I see it as a gift from the One I seek.
The Lord exhorts us in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”
Seeking Him with a deep longing of the heart …
A longing to know Him …
Following is a passage from God Calling, a book compiled by A.J. Russell.

In 1932, two women who wished to remain anonymous, joined hands in prayer, daily seeking God for guidance, comfort, and wisdom.
They stepped out in faith to receive the promise of Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them.”
God met them there with His sweet whispers of love. God Calling contains the journal entries of the two friends. As they sought the Lord and sat quietly before Him, they recorded those things spoken to their hearts.
“To the listening ear I speak, to the waiting heart I come. Sometimes, I may not speak. I may ask you merely to wait in My Presence, to know that I am with you.
“Think of the multitudes, who thronged Me, when I was on earth, all eager for something. Eager to be healed, or taught, or fed.
“Think as I supplied their many wants, and granted their manifold requests, what it meant to Me, to find amid the crowd, some one or two who followed Me just to be near Me, just to dwell in my Presence. How some longing of the Eternal heart was satisfied thereby.
“Comfort Me, awhile, by letting Me know that you would seek Me just to dwell in My Presence, to be near Me, not even for teaching, not for material gain, not even for a message — but for Me. The longing of the human heart to be loved for itself is a something caught from the Great Divine Heart.*
Oh. My. Goodness. The God of the Universe, the Maker of Heaven and Earth wants to spend time with us.

Just because.
Take this thought with you today:
“Comfort Me, awhile, by letting Me know that you would seek Me just to dwell in My Presence, to be near Me, not even for teaching, not for material gain, not even for a message — but for Me.”
*A.J. Russell, God Calling (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1945), p. 38-39
I love this Nan. I am guilty of having an agenda when reading God’s word or even seeking him in prayer time. Thank you for this edification and encouragement.
You’re so welcome. I struggle with having my quiet time on my to-do list, rather than anticipating with excitement an opportunity to sit with the Lord my God. How sad is that? I think becoming aware of it, though, is the first step in making change. Becoming aware of something, confessing, and asking Him for help will bring a breakthrough. I love you sweet friend.