They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” ~ Luke 24:32, NIV
Lord, You are beautiful in holiness, magnificent beyond comprehension. If I should go to the highest heaven You are there; or to the depths of hell, You are there also.
You carry me to the mountaintops and comfort me in the valleys deep.
Your love astounds me.
The more and more I desire to make You Lord, the harder it is — sweeter than anything imaginable — but hard.
To make You Lord with more than lip service has requirements.
I must be willing to do whatever it is You ask of me, regardless of the cost, regardless of the difficulty, inconvenience, or the need to leave my comfort zone.

That’s what true obedience looks like and this is what elevates You from Savior to Lord in my life.
This is where intimacy in our relationship comes from because obedience is an expression of worship — an expression of my love for You.
And my trust.
It takes a lot of trust to obey You in all things. It’s hard. And often there are consequences to obedience. But You know what? The consequences are temporal.
The rewards are eternal.

The rewards affect the lives of others with eternal purpose. There can be no measure of cost for those lives that are changed when we choose to trust You and say yes to Your requests.
Open our eyes to see things from Your perspective — the bigger picture with spiritual implications.
We are so limited in our vision and we allow our vision to be impacted by selfishness when obedience becomes uncomfortable. But when we step out in faith and do that which You ask of us, OUR lives are changed.
Unexpected blessings rain down. Our faith is deepened. Our hearts awakened. Our knowledge and understanding of You increases.
It’s amazing what happens when we choose to obey.
Stir within us, Lord. Set our hearts on fire to do Your will, to be Your hands and feet in this hurting world. People need You, Lord. They need Your love, Your forgiveness, Your grace, and peace.

Use us Lord.
Make us brave to do Your bidding. Anoint us with a boldness that can only come from You as we seek to minister to those around us — as we seek to walk in Your footsteps into the purpose and plan You have for each of us, Your children.
You are our God and we belong to You. You are our hope. Our strength. Our joy.
You are our everything.
We bless You Lord. We praise Your Holy Name. Be glorified in us.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,
Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at nan@nanjones.com
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Sweet blessings to you,
Thank you. Yes and amen and amen.