Category: beyond the veil

Spring Up, O Well. I Know You’re There ~ Prayer

Lord, even though You are my peace, my sure place, the One who orders my steps … I find myself overwhelmed. I need You to spring up, O well.

I recognize I’m trying to do everything myself, in my own strength, in my own way. That’s where the problem is, isn’t it? That’s why I’m dry and parched — thirsty for Your living water.

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Prayer When Groping in the Dark and Needing a Flashlight

Lord, You are my light and my salvation, my shield, the Rock upon which I stand. When I stand on the Rock with You, I get a glimpse of the plans You have for me, the hope of needed miracles for health and circumstances of my loved ones. And I am comforted.

But when I climb down from that Rock by my own accord, I find myself groping in the dark, unable to see a future of hope.

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How God Speaks Out of the Darkness

The blanket of darkness unfolded over the earth as the glory of the sunset descended behind the ridge. Silence fell. Like the glittering diamonds of a tiara, stars appeared one by one until all of heaven declared the glory of the Lord. I wondered, is this how God speaks out of the darkness?

The stars had been there all along, but were hidden by the bright lights and noise of the day.

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How to Face A Giant with the Giant-Slayer and Win

He was so tiny. All six legs moved in synch as his jaws struggled to carry the beetle delicacy across the porch, down the steps, through the dense foliage of an uncut lawn, and into his ant hill where family and friends waited. He exemplified how to face a giant with grace and ability.

An ant. A tiny, red ant.

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Searching for Hope Among Life’s Shadows

Trees bare from winter’s chill stand stark and rigid along the mountain slope. They appear as charcoal skeletons void of life. My spirit, weary and worn, searching for hope among life’s shadows, is drawn to the image outside my window.

As the sun comes up, a beam of heavenly light streaks through the trees, casting a golden thread weaving among the barren branches.

It’s a startling sight.

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Prayer When My Heart is Steadfast, But My Thoughts Are Not

Lord, I love You so much. My greatest desire is to please You, to honor You with my words and actions. My heart is steadfast, but too often my thoughts are not.

Crazy thoughts pop out of nowhere — all the what-ifs, all the reasons for impossibility, inadequacy, and insufficiency.

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How to Heal From Hidden Wounds of the Heart

The old wooden door creaked on its hinges as I gently pushed it open. Inside, beneath the musty shadows of the barn, lay hidden evidence of a life — someone’s story. Some items held value, but many were unwanted, many were simply forgotten, and all were gathering dust from neglect.

The memories lay in darkness, but the opening of the door introduced light, revealing their existence.

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When Feelings of Captivity Wash Over Us, Where is God?

I tossed and turned as dreaded feelings of captivity washed over me. I pulled the covers tighter as the nightmare consumed me — the imaginary chains yanking on my ankles, keeping me bound in dark and painful circumstances.

My circumstances were hard to understand.
They seemed to have no end.

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Prayer When Loneliness Overshadows Joy

Lord, You are my faithful companion. You promised to never leave me nor forsake me. Even so, some days loneliness overwhelms me and steals my joy.

On those days, Lord, will You whisper to my heart that You are near? Will You remind me that I am Your child and I am loved with an everlasting love?

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