“Remember this, and be men, take courage; Recall to mind, O you transgressors. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I AM God, and there is none like Me. I make known the end from the beginning and from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.”
(Isaiah 46:8-10 (NIV)
The Lord is speaking to the people of Israel, reprimanding them for considering the idols of Babylon as objects of worship.
How easily their hearts deceived them.
How easily their sin of idolatry beset them.
How easily WE fall into the same trap.
Our God is a jealous God. He wants to be number one in our lives – our first love. Our gods may not be named Baal, but believe me we are tempted to serve other gods (idols) as much as God’s ancient people. It is the same struggle. The two idols I wrestle with the most are named food and television. I am constantly aware of their seductive whispers to control me.
Take a moment and consider those things that consume your heart and your time.
The Lord says to us, “Take courage and remember the former things I have done for you.”
Remember His faithfulness when you needed provision.
Remember His tenderness when you were hurting.
Remember His power when the enemy sought to destroy you.
Remember that He is El Elyon, the God Most High and there is none other like Him.
Lord God, You are the One True God, the Great I AM!! My spirit renounces the idols in my life, but my flesh – my wretched flesh – struggles to rid myself of their power. Set me free to worship You, and You alone. I love You, Lord. I desire to be all that I can be for You. Strengthen me in these areas of my life. Give me victory through the power of Your Holy Spirit living within me. Thank You, Lord.