In my imagination, I can see a deer bristling with perspiration, mouth open, gasping for fresh air as it leaps over fallen trees and thick underbrush. Its enemy has been in hot pursuit, leaving the deer exhausted and parched for water to strengthen him. He pauses and…wait! He hears the gurgling of a brook calling to his thirst. Instinctively, the deer turns in the direction of the flowing water. Desperation begins to leave his countenance. His frantic leaping calms to a steady walk and carries him to the edge of the pristine water. Bowing at the water’s edge, the deer drinks slowly and deeply of the liquid treasure. No longer is he thirsty. No longer is he weak. The deer has found strength for the journey.

“As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” ~ Psalm 42:1,2

I have begun to understand thirst – not physical, but spiritual thirst – thirst that can only be satisfied by the river of Living Water that flows from the throne of God. In recent years, depression and anxiety have become my constant companions. Fears for the future, fears of where our next meal will come from, even concerns for my health have become fodder for the enemy to torment me. It seems that I can stand strong against him for awhile and then the battle fatigue begins to set in. My soul becomes parched, my spirit defeated. Each day becomes more difficult than the one before. I am learning that when I am overwhelmed with these faith-threatening symptoms, I need a drink. I need to run desperately to the foot of the cross and meet my Jesus there. I need to drink long and intentionally from the Spirit of God.

Are you fearful? Are  you lonely? Bitter? Exhausted? Sweet friend, when you feel overwhelmed with life’s hardships, drink of the Living Water. Run to your Lord and pour out your heart before Him. Rest in His Presence, sing of His glory, feast on His Word.

He will not disappoint you.

Father, You call to us through the fallen trees and underbrush, but often we resist Your voice. Why do we choose to wallow in our doubts and fears when Your streams of Living Water are beckoning to us? Forgive us, Lord. You are an awesome God, Your love is from everlasting to everlasting. I praise Your Holy Name.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory  page. I am featuring a music video by Kristyn Getty titled, “Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer”. Your heart will sing as you listen to this precious young woman minister in song. Sweet blessings to you!