Are you needing a moment of refreshment today? Well, my goodness, I’m about to spoon-feed you a delicious morsel of Truth. I’ve taken this straight from the message I’ll be presenting in Hickory, NC Saturday morning. Open that sweet little mouth wide ’cause here it comes…

Psalm 91:1,2 reads, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust.”

The psalmist used three names for God in this passage: El Elyon = The Most High God, El Shaddai = Almighty God, and Elohim = The One True God. I’ve rewritten this passage inserting the Hebrew names of God and their corresponding meaning. All I’ve got to say is, “Wow!”

Are you ready? Open up wide. The Lord has a blessing for you today.

“He who dwells in the secret place of El Elyon – The Most High God – the sovereign Ruler of the universe – the One who knows everything that comes my way…if I dwell in His secret place then that means I will abide – or live – under the shadow of El Shaddai – The Almighty God – the One who holds me when I am frightened. I will live under the shadow of the One who holds me when I need comfort – the One who gives me life. I will live under His shadow because I dwell with the Most High God. And I will say of the Lord, ‘You are my refuge and my fortress, Elohim – the One True God, the exalted One, the Creator of the Universe. In You will I place my trust'” ~ Psalm 91, 1,2, Nan’s Version

The shadow of His Wing – the shadow of His Presence – is the secret place reserved for you, His child.

Father, thank You, thank You for Who You are. Thank You for Your love, Your mercy, and Your grace. Thank You for hiding us in the shadow of Your wing until the calamities have passed us by.  Thank You for the comforting embrace You offer when we run beneath Your wing. I ask that You refresh my precious readers by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Please show Yourself strong in their lives and open their eyes to see You in their midst. Thank You Lord. You are an awesome God.
I’ll be speaking with the ladies at Mt. Pisgah Lutheran Church in Hickory, NC this Saturday. Here’ their website if you want to take a peak. Please pray for me as I bring a message of God’s love, “Don’t Wrestle; Just Nestle”. Thank you. I cherish your prayers.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory  page to worship with Steven Curtis Chapman as he sings, “Hiding Place”. I know you will be blessed.