“Make a joyful noise unto God,all the earth; Sing forth the honor and glory of His Name; Make His praise glorious! Say to God, ‘How awesome and fearfully glorious are Your works! Through the greatness of Your power shall Your enemies submit themselves to You.’ All the earth shall bow down to You and sing praises to You; They shall praise Your Name in song. Selah – pause, and calmly think of that!” ~ Psalm 66:1-4, The Amplified Study Bible

The Lord taught me a very important lesson. I walked in its truth for a few days – maybe even a week or so. But then I walked away. I got caught up in the stress again.

So my Father God had to show me one more time.

I looked out our kitchen window as I washed dishes. The grand old apple tree dipped and swayed as the wind from a cold front bellowed through our mountains. It looked like it was snowing apple blossoms as the soft white petals were tossed to the ground.

Something shimmering teal caught my attention. A young starling was perched in the apple tree. The shimmering teal was his belly reflecting the sunshine. This little guy cracked me up. I think if I had been closer I could have seen bony white knuckles hangin’ on to that branch! His little head was thrown back. His eyes scanned the heavens and…he was singing his little heart out. In the wind. In the wind that was about to blow him out of that tree. It was so funny. Even his feathers were blowing out behind him like our hair does when we walk through a wind tunnel.

And yet he sang.

He held on to the branch and he sang.

With gusto.

I heard that familiar sweet whisper deep in my spirit. “Nan.”
“Yes, Lord?”
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes, Lord.”
“Then why aren’t you singing? Why aren’t you rejoicing in Me? You are so worried about tomorrow that you have forgotten about today. You have all that you need for today. Let Me take care of your tomorrow.”

I laughed. Belly laughed. God was so right. My sweet Lord had used a scrawny, young starling with feathers blowing all the way to kingdom come to teach me to rejoice, especially when the wind blows the fiercest.

He has never failed us – never. And He will not fail you. Take hold of His strong hand and draw close to Him. And when the harsh winds of adversity blow, throw that little head of yours back and sing! Sing with gusto to the One who sees and knows all about it.

Praise You Lord! You are so awesome! So Great! Thank You. Thank You for Your remarkable love and provision. Thank You for Your mercy and grace. And thank You for this young starling You sent to sing outside my window. Yes, Lord. I choose to praise You in all things. I choose to praise You for Who You are. I love You Lord. From the depths of my heart I love You.
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