“I AM the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.”
Psalm 81:10)
How easily we forget this truth, OR, at least minimize it.
The great I AM, the Lord our God, delivered us from the bondage of sin and death! He set us free from our painful, empty past.
The Lord our God BROUGHT us out – He did not push us. He did not crack a whip and herd us out of there! No. He BROUGHT us out – leading, guiding, caring for us.
Can you hear your Father’s voice? “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.”
In my mind I see a baby bird safely nestled in its nest. The tiny bird, its eyes still closed, senses its parent’s presence and instinctively opens its mouth to be fed by the one who loves it most.
Beloved, your Father cares deeply for you.
He knows your pain, your fears, your worries.
He knows everything there is to know about you.
And He loves you anyway.
Bless His Holy Name!
Yes, Lord, bless Your Holy Name! For You, Lord, are worthy of our praise! May we never take for granted what You have done for us. Thank You for setting us free! Thank You for gently leading us into Your Light, wrapped in Your love. You are so wonderful – so faithful. Bless you, Father.