“My beloved spoke, and said to me: ‘Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth…'” ~ Song of Solomon 2:10-12, NKJV
I sat on the hillside in the grass. In the distance thunderheads billowed – great towers of white fluff illuminated by the sun. At my feet a small periwinkle blue butterfly danced.
Blue. The color used in the Old Testament Tabernacle to remind the children of God to look towards the heavens. In their heavenward gaze they could behold their God.
The graceful blue creature fluttered around me, teasing me, beckoning me to follow it with my eyes – causing me to contemplate its beauty. Its wings, soft as a rose petal, beat against the current of the breeze. Its tiny body lifted higher and higher against the backdrop of cerulean blue. My head tilted back as I watched my small companion; my heart skipped a beat. Out of the ominous clouds came a rolling thunder. It shook me to my core. Not physically, but deep within my spirit.
“Nan,” the Lord spoke quietly within me. “Run to Me. Rest in Me. I am your all in all. Nothing else will satisfy. Give Me your days – your moments. I am the One who orchestrates your life. You can trust Me. I hold you in the palm of My hand. Nothing can come near Your tent without coming past Me first. I am Your security, your Guide. Trust Me. Seek Me and you will find Me. Seek Me with all of your heart and I will reveal My deep love for you. Rejoice in My Presence. Rejoice, I say. Rejoice.”
I closed my eyes in amazement. Peace settled upon me. In my moment of frustration – in the place of my valley – my God had loved me and comforted me. He opened my eyes to see Him, my ears to hear His sweet voice.
Our God is faithful.
Father God, Thank You for meeting me at my point of need. Your love amazes me and humbles me. Grace so undeserved. I pray for my precious readers who find themselves in a place of frustration or confusion. Open their eyes to behold Your Presence. Let them feel Your breath upon their hearts. Encourage them, Lord. Thank You. We love You so much. We appreciate all You do for us. Forgive us for when we take You and Your blessings for granted. And, Lord, thank You for the little blue butterfly that led me to Your throne.
Thank you for reading Morning Glory. Your support blesses me. If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page to worship with Sovereign Grace as they sing, “In the Valley”. This song is going to bless you beyond measure. I promise 🙂
Beautiful thoughts, my friend. Haunting, beautiful song to enhance. Thank you for sharing. Love you 🙂
Thank you Christina. You are precious to me…
Loved this, loved the song, and I love you!!
Awww…Tee. Thank you my Taterbug.