by Nan Jones
An exhortation from the Lord for those of us who need to be reminded just how great our God is. He is amazing, yes? And compassionate. Merciful. Mighty. And very, very faithful to His children.
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‘Elyon is the Hebrew name for The God Most High.
Shaddai means the All-Sufficient-One. He is the one who comforts and sustains us.
Adonai means LORD or Master.
When we choose to press in and walk closely with the Lord, not just meeting Him at the altar on our day of salvation, but actually dwelling with Him and in Him, then we can say to Him, “You are my refuge and my fortress!” We can trust and not be afraid. Acts 17:28 reads, “For it is in Him that we live, and move, and have our being.” I believe this happens when we live Psalm 91 out loud.
And then the beauty of verses 14-16! Oh my, the reassurance found in these words as God speaks. Try inserting your own name, like this:
“Because [Nan] loves Me, I will rescue her; because she knows My name, I will protect her. [Nan] will call on Me, and I will answer her. I will be with [Nan] when she is in trouble. I will extricate her and bring her honor. I will satisfy [Nan] with long life and show her My salvation.”
God is for you. Who can dare to be against you?
Tweetables to Encourage Others
What happens when we live Psalm 91 out loud? (Click to Tweet)
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page. I’m featuring Chris Tomlin singing “Faithful.” Wow! What a powerful song.
Because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know….I KNOW He holds MY future, MY life is worth the living just because He lives!!!! Rest in God my friend. He's not going anywhere and He's holding you with great love. <3
Amen! I love that song and the message it holds. Thanks for your encouraging words.
Hi Nan! I had a song playing in my head as I read Psalm 91, it's based on the words.
Substituting your own name in that prayer really makes it hit home, and I think I'm going to try that. Especially when I feel stressed…that's when I need his reassurance the most.
Thank you for that exercise! Hope you are having a blessed weekend,