I walked beneath the pine canopy, its fingers gracefully intertwined across our country road. The forest dense and mysteriously beautiful calls to me each time I pass by. It is a refuge for my thoughts, a balm for my soul.
Scampering to my left caught my attention. A small rabbit made its way through the underbrush to a group of fallen trees that leaned against one another creating an alcove — a cleft, if you will.
A cleft of safety for the little one hopping along. A refuge.
All because they had broken and fallen in a storm.
Do You Suppose the Trees Knew?
The trees beaten down from the rain and wind collapsed to the ground, seemingly useless now, void of life. And yet God used their brokenness to provide shelter for the little one escaping her enemies. Do you suppose the trees knew? In the whole scheme of things, who would have thought that such devastation could be used for good?
What we see in the here and now is often perceived as tragic or frightening. But God sees from an eternal perspective with an eternal purpose. What is meant for evil, He will turn to good.
He promised.
Just like the broken, fallen trees tossed about by the storm. The rabbit didn’t see broken, she saw a refuge.
In my own season of brokenness, I found the Lord. He created a cleft just for me where I could hide with Him in the midst of the devastation. He drew near and comforted me. He became my refuge from the enemy … He became my living hope, a balm for my soul.
And now I have the honor of comforting others with the comfort I received while tucked away in the refuge of brokenness.
The Scriptures tell us:
“For thus says the high and lofty One,
the One who dwells forever, whose name is holy:
I dwell in a high and holy place,
but also with the contrite and lowly of spirit,
To revive the spirit of the lowly,
to revive the heart of the crushed.” ~ Isaiah 57:15, NASB
Heaven meets earth when we are broken and crushed in spirit, the Lord drawing near to shelter and comfort us. Brokenness can become a type of sanctuary if we allow Him into our pain. He will use it for our good and we will know Him as never before.
God’s Presence is A Healing Balm For My Soul
As I reached the top of the hill I looked back. Long shadows dipped over the forest edge, but a ray of light broke through the canopy to shine light on the fallen trees and the rabbit tucked safely inside. Thank You, Lord. Thank You for teaching me who You are. Thank You for hiding me from the enemy while my spirit was thoroughly crushed and broken. You are good, You are faithful, and You are able to save and heal a wretch like me. Your presence in my brokenness is a healing balm for my soul.
You, Lord, are my refuge and strength.
Are you brokenhearted? Angry with God? The Offering: How to Emerge from Shattered Faith will lead you on a path to restoration and healing.
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Sweet blessings to you,