The morning woke with peace after a brutally cold night magnified by a howling wind. Snowflakes peppered down, covering the barren earth of winter with a soft blanket of white. Tucking my legs beneath me, I nestled into the corner of the couch, gripped a warm cup of coffee, and watched out the window as morning broke through the darkness.
I Realized the Fierce Wind was the Conduit for the gentle snowfall
A cardinal robed in scarlet perched on the edge of our bird feeder. As he feasted on sunflower seeds, large snowflakes fell. Soft. Gentle … cascading all about him.
The wind had ceased and now the beauty of its occurring was revealed.

With its merciless howl, the wind was the very conduit for the soft and gentle snowfall this morning. The wind carried the cold air, clearing the way for the snow clouds to form and release their bounty of glory.
The fierce wind had a purpose. Even though ugly and painful, it brought forth beauty.
Life can be like that.
Events happen that take our breath away. The wind blows so hard that we must cling to the Cross to stay upright. We shiver from fear of the unknown. Eyes drip with tears from the cold reality coming at us fast and blowing down our necks.
And yet, it is said that the Lord our God walks on the wings of the wind — it is He who commands the wind, telling it which way to blow.

Either I believe He is who He says He is, or I don’t.
Either I trust Him, or I don’t.
Just like the beautiful gentle snowfall that followed the brutal winds of night, so He promises to bring beauty from our ashes.
Do I trust God even when facing a howling wind?
I sipped my coffee and gazed at the cardinal. He ate peacefully from the bounty of my hand while delicate flakes of grace drifted from heaven. Surely, he hunkered down during the strong wind of the night before, perhaps finding refuge in the old apple tree nearby — the one with the stark branches raised towards heaven.
All creation proclaims the glory of our God.
Whether we look for it or not.
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Sweet blessings to you,