Just inside Daddy’s garden shed, beside the door, was a nail — a nail in a sure place reserved for Daddy’s cap. His baseball cap stained with sweat and garden soil could always be found hanging on that nail.
Unless, of course, the cap was on his precious bald head.
What is a Nail in a Sure Place?
One hot afternoon, Daddy pulled the blue bandana from his back pocket, lifted his cap, and wiped the sweat from his brow. He leaned against the gardening hoe and rested for a moment, enjoying the view of row after row of vegetables. Several tomato plants flanked the southern tip of his little piece of heaven. He smiled at his labor.

My father worked until the setting sun. I helped as He gathered his tools and strolled to the shed to store them for the night.
Pushing open the slatted door, I watched as he once again lifted his cap from his head and hung it on the nail just inside the rustic building.
For as long as I could remember that nail had been there and for as long as I could remember, Daddy’s cap hung there as well.
A nail in a sure place.
The Lord is like this — a nail in a sure place, a place we can hang our hat, so to speak. We can depend on Him to be there always. We can trust in His capable hands. His covenant love binds us to Him from everlasting to everlasting.
And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house. ~ Isaiah 22:23
A nail in a sure place …
We Have a Nail, a Secure Hold in God’s Dwelling Place When We Love Him
The people of God were instructed in Deuteronomy, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.”
When we love the Lord with all of our heart and soul, and strength — with everything that is within us — we have a nail, a secure hold in God’s dwelling place. When we love Him with all of our hearts, we dwell richly with Him, sheltered beneath the shadow of His wing. Protected. Provided for. Loved.
He becomes our nail in a sure place — a secure hold in the Most Holy Place with the Lord our God.
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Sweet blessings to you,