“For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: ‘In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.’ But you would not.” ~ Isaiah 30:15
Great is Your love, Lord! You are my confidence. My strength. My song. In the quiet is where I find You. It is where I know You — away from the noise, away from the distractions. I hear You call to me, and I come — I want to come — but I feel like I’m holding back.
Or something.
I don’t know what it is Lord. You are the love of my heart. Forgive me for allowing something to come between us. Am I resisting the cup You have given me to drink? The myrrh is bitter, but Your Presence is sweet.
I don’t think I’m resisting, but I do think I’m growing numb — afraid to feel the emotions that bubble beneath the surface — feelings of fear and uncertainty. It feels like a dam holding back a wall of tears — a torrent of sorrow.
And yet, You ARE my confidence. Your love has never failed me and I DO trust You.
Maybe I don’t trust myself.
Maybe I don’t trust myself to navigate these waters with grace and calm. But it’s not in my strength that I face my tomorrows — it is in Your strength. You alone are my hope, my peace. You alone are my joy when happiness cannot be found.
Lord, I know that I’m not alone in these feelings. The struggle to navigate turbulent waters is real. To cling to You with everything we are is the desire of our hearts, but our minds can be like wild animals charging through the brush. Hear our cry, O Lord.
I pray for all those who struggle with me to face tomorrow with peace and surety of heart.
I ask for the renewing of our minds through the power of Your Holy Spirit and the pages of Your Word. Set us free to worship You. Unfurl our wings that we might soar into the heavenlies and meet You there high above the raging storm.
Cause the tension to leave our minds and bodies and spirits — cause us to relax into Your arms and rest in each moment because You are in each moment with us.
Thank You for Your faithfulness that preserves us and sustains us in these darkened hours shrouded by the veil of uncertainty.
Open our ears to hear Your gentle whispers that we adore.
Open our eyes to see You.
Awaken our hearts to worship You in spirit and in Truth for You are the One we cherish. It is You Lord, that we love. You are the air we breathe. You are our Redeemer and Friend. You are our God.
In Jesus’ Name I pray,
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Sweet blessings to you,
Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you.
You may contact me directly at nan@nanjones.com
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Thank you, God Used your words to speak into a very challenging time in my life.
Oh Cindy! I’m so thankful you were ministered to. That is the prayer of my heart. Each time I write Sunday’s prayer blog, I ask the Lord to direct our conversation because He knows who will join in. I then close my eyes and begin to pray, typing as I speak to Him. I, too, am in a very challenging season, but the Lord is my constant — my sure place when everything else is crumbling around me. Hold fast to that Truth. He will carry both of us safely over to the other side. I promise.