Category: God’s Presence

Faith Notes ~ Larry Timm. Finding God in the Midst of His Daughter’s Cancer

I’m so excited to launch Faith Notes today! This will be a page to encourage you and give you strength for the journey, a page to counter the lie of the enemy that says we are alone in our struggles and no one could ever understand what we are going through. Yes, he lies to each of us trying to convince us that we have been abandoned by the One who loves us and no one cares. Each Friday I will feature someone who wants to share their story to help others.

Today I have the honor of hosting Larry Timm. Larry is a husband, father, pastor, and an author with my publisher, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. His debut novel, Murder for Emily’s Sake, released this past May. Like me, Larry’s heart’s desire is to encourage others through his pain as he and his wife have found the faithfulness of their God through an extremely painful time while their daughter, Jayne, battles cancer.

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Why Must There Be a Valley in Our Lives?

I know many trudging through a valley right now. Remind them of Your presence with them, Lord. Open their eyes to see the things worthy of praise, even in the valley — especially in the valley: Your river of Living Water. The lush greens of new growth. The resting places to ponder Your majesty on the mountaintop.

Valleys are indeed beautiful, for it is in the valley that we may behold Your glory. Thank You for this insight.

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Where is God When Life is Messy?

Does your life feel like a tangled mess? Is it hard to breathe with the turmoil in your heart and mind? Then I ask you to close your eyes and picture the One who loves you, Who seeks you out to encourage you, to give you strength, and comfort. Awaken your heart to give Him praise and thank Him for His faithfulness.

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Where is God When I Need a Clean Heart?

You are our God.

And in our darkest midnight, Your light radiates and cloaks our personal world with the dawning of hope and peace. Your love creates a clean heart in the one who is longing for restoration. Your love is a song in our night — a song for the suffering.

Your love is embodied in the Christ Child — Jesus.


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The Apple Tree and Fruit From Another Season

I thought of my own winter season. Evidence of fruit and God’s faithfulness abounds, yet at times the fruit seems to be leftover, rather than fresh and new. Could it be that as I lift my hands to heaven like the limbs of the apple tree, the Light of the One I love will break through the canopy of shadows and illuminate His beauty within me?

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