Category: inspiration

Consider the Ant and the Giant

He was so tiny. All six legs moved in synch as his jaws struggled to carry the beetle delicacy across the porch, down the steps, through the dense foliage of an uncut lawn, and into his ant hill where family and friends awaited

.n ant. A tiny, red ant.

I wonder if he realized how outsized he was by the ugly black beetle — a mere little soldier ant versus what must have seemed to be a gargantuan bug. Big. Ugly. And complete with those prickly legs.

Honestly, the ant didn’t seem fazed.

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The Apple Tree and Fruit From Another Season

I thought of my own winter season. Evidence of fruit and God’s faithfulness abounds, yet at times the fruit seems to be leftover, rather than fresh and new. Could it be that as I lift my hands to heaven like the limbs of the apple tree, the Light of the One I love will break through the canopy of shadows and illuminate His beauty within me?

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Elijah, Orb-Weaver Spiders, and Tenacity With a Little Chutzpah Thrown In

Did you realize Elijah is just like us? In spite of his greatness and the miracles that followed his walk with God, he was still subject to the same feelings and weaknesses as us. In fact, right after this remarkable miracle of defeating 450 of Baal’s prophets and then praying for rain to end a three year drought, this mighty man of faith ran for his life because Jezebel threatened to kill him! In fact, he ran into the wilderness for a day and collapsed beneath a juniper tree and told the Lord “It is enough! Now, Lord, take my life!”

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Where is God When There Seems to be No Way? SUNDAY GLIMPSES

I lift up those who are bent by the weight of their burdens. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but You promise to deliver us out of them all. Stir that truth into the hearts of Your children who are fearful or heavy-laden, or consumed with worry. Almighty God, You are faithful to make a way where there seems to be no way.

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