The long, spindly branches of the forsythia bush outside my window bend heavy-laden with a glaze of ice. The coating is thin, and though its appearance is lovely, the branch struggles to sustain its weight.
I feel this way sometimes.
I sensed the Lord’s delicate whisper deep inside
Heavy-laden, bent from the weight of unexpected burdens … maybe you are, too. From the outside everything appears lovely, but beneath the glistening exterior is a heart that is in danger of breaking.
I sensed the Lord’s delicate whisper deep inside, My child, look for the light of My glory in your darkened hour. I am here with you. Don’t allow your heart to be hardened in its own attempt for self-preservation. Break up the fallow ground so you might be nurtured by My love. The weight of your burdens will melt away. As the ice weighs down the branches, so burdens of this world are weighing you down. Allow me to melt away the sorrow, the worry, the anxiety of the unknown. Allow Me to free you from these heartaches — I am your Burden-bearer. Give them to Me.

I wiped a tear from my eye and looked long and hard at the icy landscape outside my window, I concentrated on the bent branches of the forsythia bush. I knew that within that branch, now bent and heavy-laden, was the hope of spring. Within me is the same. Deep within me is the rush of living water keeping my roots of faith saturated and strong.
I watched as the ice began to melt away in the warmth of the sun. Slow and steady, drip by drip the branch began to lift itself from under the weight. I was reminded that winter is here, but spring is coming. It’s the same for the winter of the soul. The light of the Lord glistens on the icy layers this fallen world lays on us. The cares of the world cannot withstand His presence nor the warmth of His embrace.
Heavy-laden, I look to the Lord
My heart is heavy, and yet the load is lighter. In His presence is where I want to be. In His presence the burdens are lifted.
Yes, winter is here, but spring is coming.
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Sweet blessings to you,