My geranium sat neglected. Difficult life circumstances had taken priority and now the once lush and bountiful geranium looked … sad. Yellowed leaves edged in crumbly brown. Flowers, once plentiful, now barely raised their heads alone. Dry and thirsty was she.
The soil had become crusty. Hard. Void of life-sustaining nutrients.
Much like a child of God finding herself in a desert wilderness at the base of the mountain dry and thirsty, knowing she should be soaring from its peak.
Are You Longing for God in a Dry and Thirsty Land?
Looking up from the desert place toward the mountain of God, do I pray for rain? Do I ask the God of all mercy to pour out His grace on me and restore me to life abundantly? That’s what He wants from me. He only asks that I ask with expectation — full of trust that He will hear me from heaven and respond.
Lay it out there — brokenness, disappointments, complacency brought on by thirst.

And then let Him. Let Him take what is broken and make it whole. Let Him take the dry and thirsty places and replenish them with His living water.
Ann Voskamp said it best, “When we lay the soil of our hard lives open to the rain of grace and let joy penetrate our cracked and dry places, let joy soak into our broken skin and deep crevices, life grows.”
God is Faithful to Quench Our Thirst
I stirred the soil beneath the geranium leaves, then poured refreshing water, bathing the dying leaves and parched soil in life-giving liquid. Overflow streamed from the bottom. Grabbing a spray bottle, I spritzed the thirsty plant with moisture and apologized for my neglect.
And then I smiled.

I smiled as I thought of the parallel to life when times are hard.
And I thought about the faithfulness of God to pour out the rain of His grace abundantly on our dry and thirsty hearts.
The next morning, I peeked through the living room window as the sunrise broke over the ridge top, painting the sky in coral blush. Just as sure as the sunrise, my geranium had perked up overnight as it drank deeply of the water I provided.
Drink Deep and Thirst No More
I’m now drinking deep from the living water the Lord provides. No longer am I parched in the desert heat.
He is my shade. He is my Living Water.
He gives me wings that lift me to the mountaintop where I can soar once again.
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Sweet blessings to you,