by Nan Jones @NanJonesAuthor
Queen Anne’s Lace swayed in the gentle breeze crossing the meadow. Delicate petals bowed to their Creator as His voice whispered in the wind. I watched a small butterfly settle upon the gossamer flower. Wings opened and closed while it drank of the sweet nectar.
And then it rested, its wings laying against the bed of gossamer lace.
The butterfly.
Such an iconic image of our faith.
Did you know that the butterfly uses solar energy to fly? It rests in the sunlight to heat up its flight muscles before it can go fluttering around. On cloudy days the butterfly has to rest a little longer to absorb the benefit of the sunlight.
Scientists call this reflective basking.
Reflective basking…I like that.
How often do we need to bask in the Light of the Lord a little longer on cloudy days? In His Presence our faith muscles absorb strength. In His Presence weariness of soul departs.
Without the energy gained from the sun, the butterfly cannot fly.
Without resting in the Light of the Lord our strength will wane; fulfilling His purposes in our lives will be difficult.
The Lord exhorts us to be still – cease striving – and remember that He is God.
A Tweetable to Encourage Others
Where is God when I’m weak? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (Click to Tweet)
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Are you a pastor’s wife or is there a pastor’s wife in your neck of the woods that you love? My book, The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife, offers a journey to healing, aha moments of insight, and a smattering of giggles here and there.
Most important of all, the pastor’s wife will know that somewhere, somehow, somebody knows. She is not alone.
You may purchase The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife on Amazon or Barnes & Noble.