by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. ~ Psalm 37:23

In the margin of his bible, George Mueller wrote these words beside the beloved Psalm: “And the stops too.” Never break through God’s hedges. Never move from the spot where we are sure God has placed us, until the pillar of cloud (Exodus 13:21) moves.*

God has a purpose in all things. Even His delays.

Why, oh why, is it so hard to wait on God? We say we trust God, yet waiting on Him seems to complicate that trust. Frustration moves in. Doubts take over. Fiery darts from the evil one zing here and zap there.

But I’m learning.

In this season of brokenness I’m learning that God is who He says He is. I’m learning to embrace His sovereignty – to rest in His authority over my life.

I’m learning to rest in His love.
And in that resting comes the waiting.
And in the waiting – that peaceful, trusting kind of waiting – comes my strength.

Are you, too, waiting on God to fulfill a dream? To provide a miracle? To make a way? You can be sure that the moment your prayer left your lips the Lord received it into His heart and began His response. Yes … the very moment. But He must orchestrate the many pieces that create answered prayer. He must work through people who are often distracted and not listening for His instruction. He must open and shut doors to place His child in the right place at the right moment. And He must stretch us so that our faith will deepen and we will learn to seek the Giver and not the gift.

Yes, in the waiting – that peaceful, trusting kind of waiting – comes my strength.

*Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman, p. 313 

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God when I’m waiting? @NanJonesAuthor  offers a glimpse. (click to tweet)

Are you a pastor’s wife or do you know one who needs to be encouraged? I would love for you to check out my first book:

The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife
            by Nan Jones

“You have been chosen. You have nothing to prove to anyone. Walk in the knowledge that God completely approves of you and dwells richly within you. Once you recognize who has called you and for what purpose, you’ll realize you don’t need to play to the applause of anyone or anything else. You live only to receive the affirmation of your Father who loved you before you even knew Him. His pleasure and embrace will override the battles that ensue.” 
~ The Perils of a Pastor’s Wife, p. 22

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