Six hundred thousand men plus women and children tramped across the desert sands in the dead of night. Their sojourn in Egypt had ended after 430 years. Pharaoh sent them out in haste following the 10th plague: Death of the Firstborn.
Familiar story, right?
God Kept Watch Over His Children
But have you ever noticed verse 41 in this passage of Scripture found in Exodus 12? “God kept watch all night, watching over the Israelites as He brought them out of Egypt.”
This was a people in transition. I’m sure confusion filled their hearts while thoughts ran rampant, unhinged from all they had ever known. And yet they followed, putting one foot in front of the other as a pillar of fire led the way into the night.
I am touched to realize God kept watch all night over His children as they stepped into the unknown, surrounded by the darkness. I am comforted to know He never sleeps nor slumbers when it comes to the care of His people.

The psalmist wrote, “I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help.
But then I realize that our true help and protection
come only from the Lord,
our Creator who made the heavens and the earth.
He will guard and guide me, never letting me stumble or fall.
God is my keeper; He will never forget nor ignore me.
He will never slumber nor sleep;
He is the Guardian-God for His people, Israel.” ~ Psalm 121:2-4, TPT
We are a people in transition too. We don’t know where the coronavirus will lead or if it will ever be conquered.
Our political climate is saturated with change.
On a personal level, my future is uncertain as my husband’s dementia develops and sends him into a downward spiral.
Life happens in the transitions.
God Kept Watch Then, and He Will Keep Watch Now
The blank space is where we learn to believe that God is who He says He is and that faith has nothing to do with what we can see, but everything to do with what we cannot see.
He is the Anchor that holds, the Keeper of our souls.
God kept watch then, and He will certainly keep watch now to make sure we make it home safely.
Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love for you to share what’s on your heart in the comments below. Scroll a little farther down and you’ll see where you can leave your comments. Together, we can find the nearness of God in our darkest moments.
Sweet blessings to you,