“I AM the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.” ~ Psalm 81:10
The flame-colored blooms teemed of glory as they stretched toward the sun. The long stalks of the day-lilies stood determined as they swayed high above the bountiful foliage at their base. The foliage was rather chaotic as it bunched and looped and fought for space in the garden. But,in spite of it all, the flower stalk shot out of the chaos and stretched towards the heavens, the orange face posed with a mouth wide open, ready to be filled.
The Lord says to us, “Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. Focus your gaze on Me, stretch away from the chaos with intention, with determination and I will not disappoint. I stand ready to fill you with good things. I stand ready to sustain you with life and joy and peace. I AM the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt. I did not shove you. I did not crack a whip and herd you out of there. I brought you out, leading, guiding, caring for you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. You are Mine.”
Beloved, your Heavenly Father cares deeply for you. He knows your pain, your worries. He knows everything there is to know about you. And He loves you anyway.
Open your mouth wide and let Him fill it with good things.
Father, thank You for the power of Your love. Open the eyes of our heart to understand its depth. Fill us with Your Spirit, Lord. We love You.
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I am reminded of baby birds when I read this, Nan!! 🙂 May we have such trust that our Father will fill our opened mouths!!
That's awesome! I'm coming back from a long absence, so you may read comments from blogs posted a month ago, LOL. I have a lot to catch up on.
Mid, I first thought of the baby birds also. But then, as I sat on my porch next to the day-lilies, I was reminded of a mouth wide-opened stretching towards heaven 🙂
Carina!!!!! It is so good to hear from you! I have prayed for you often and so happy to see your name on my blog. Hope you are doing well my sweet friend.
Hi! Have you ever thought, have your writting skills upgraded so far?