“Because You are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of Your wings. I cling to You; Your strong right hand holds me securely.” ~ Psalm 63:7,8
I love the imagery found in these two verses. Picture yourself running through the wilderness as David was. He was weak and exhausted and yet, with intention, David gave praise to God.
Psalm 63 begins with, “O God, You are my God.” The second word used here for God is ‘El'(Hebrew) meaning “The Strong One.” David is singing praise to The Strong One. He is remembering God’s faithfulness on the journey. “Because You have been my helper I can sing for joy in the shadow of Your wings. Even though the enemy pursues me, I know I can trust in You. I can give You praise because You are with me, O God.”
“Because You are my helper, I cling to You.” When our daughter was a toddler she did not want to let me out of her sight. On Sunday mornings I took her to the church nursery. As I tried to leave, Nancy Marie would lay on the floor screaming and grab hold of my ankle. That girl was clinging to her momma and she wasn’t letting go! Oh, that we would cling to the Lord like that. The New King James reads, “My soul follows close behind You.” To follow closely is to press in as though you are afraid of losing sight of Him, clinging to Him. Being desperate for God.
When we are desperate for God, nothing else will satisfy.
When we are desperate for God, we won’t let Him out of our sight.
When we are desperate for God, we don’t lollygag. We follow Him swiftly because we want to be with Him.
The Strong One has been our helper through the journey. He has never failed us. He has been mighty in power, faithful in His love. Because He has been our helper we can sing for joy. Yes, we can cling to Him, knowing that He will respond to our outstretched hand.
Father, What an amazing God You are! You HAVE been our help throughout the journey. It is You that has protected us, provided for us, and sustained us with Your love. Thank You. Because You have been with us, we can sing. We can sing, Lord! We can sing in the face of our enemy because You have given us strength. Thank You Lord. We give You praise.