No matter how much the locusts have destroyed, God is able to restore.

No matter how much the locusts have destroyed, God is able to restore.

“So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten …” ~ Joel 2:25

Lord, what a mighty God You are! You are the God of Angel Armies, our Lord triumphant. Nothing is too hard for You — absolutely nothing.

What the enemy means for evil, You will use for good. The years the locusts have eaten, You promise to restore. You promise to cause everything to work together for our good — especially those impossible situations that break us down and seek to destroy us.

You are faithful to keep Your promises, for You are not a man that You should lie. Lord, I’ve seen it in my own life time and time again, and always I stand in awe at the work of Your hands. Thank You.

I ask that you encourage others who are facing impossible situations. I know in their hearts they believe, but I ask You to help their unbelief.

Sometimes life chips away at us piece by piece — sometimes the locusts come and try to wipe us out, bite by bite. It’s hard. It’s painful. And we get too tired to fight the battles. You know this Lord, because you are El Roi, the God who sees us and knows all about it.

You are like the silver refiner watching over the flames making sure no irreparable harm comes to the melting silver as purification occurs.

You watch until the silver — our very being — reflects Your image, and then You snatch us from the flames.

You tell Satan, “No more. Enough!”

You take what the locusts have eaten with their destruction and restore us to an even better place than we were before.

Oh Lord, You are good. You are faithful. You do what You say You will do.

We are calling on You to restore our lives, to replace what the enemy has stolen. Help us believe. Open our eyes to see and know that You are working.  Awaken our hearts to know and understand the deep mysteries of how You work in our lives.

Forgive us for doubting.

Forgive us for complaining.

Forgive us for our pity-parties that make everything about us and nothing about You.

Help us love the unlovables. Help us be servants in our workplace — to do everything as if we were doing it for You. Help us keep hope alive in our desperate places and mend the tattered wounds of our hearts.

You are our Deliverer, our Peace. You are the Restorer of all things shattered. You are the God of the impossible. Thank You for Your restoration in our lives.

We love You, Lord, and we give You praise.

In Jesus’ Name,



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Sweet blessings to you,