“Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” ~ John 8:33, NKJV


I spent the afternoon working in the yard. I discovered a broken cinder block on a pile of large rocks. A strong, healthy dandelion grew out of the broken places of this block.

It caught my attention.

Of course I noticed that a flower was growing and thriving out of the broken places. I think we can all see the power in this image and apply the paradox to our own lives. But God took me deeper.

The Lord reminded me of the research I have done about the Holocaust for a novel I will write one day. During the German occupation of Eastern Europe, Jews were required to wear a yellow star pinned to their clothing at all times. This labeled them as a Jew and gave license to their tormentors to ridicule, abuse, torture or kill the precious people at will.

Upon arriving at the death camps, the Jews searched to find God in their midst. The dandelion was one such evidence of God.

The yellow bloom of the dandelion was an immediate reminder of the yellow star that branded them as a Jew. We know that this flower grows into a white ball of fluff. When the wind catches the fluff, the individual cottony seeds of the dandelion swirl and dance as they rise toward the heavens. For the captive Jew, the dandelion gave hope of an eternal glory free from the fear, the torment and the pain of their existence. They could see their soul set free as they watched the dandelion fluff ride on the wings of the wind.

That got me to thinkin’. If, out of sheer determination, I can cause my life to thrive out of the broken places and, if out of sheer determination, I can bring glory to God through the brokenness, then a miracle can take place. My struggles can be transformed through the power of Christ. The transformation can set me free to ascend to the heights of heaven and to stand boldly before the throne of my God.

In my mind’s eye I see the breath of God blowing my little dandelion life. His Presence sets me free – His breath causes me to dance upon the stiff winds of adversity. My soul is set free to worship Him.

Are you bound by doubt, fear, hopelessness? Are you striving to push through the broken places and live a life that glorifies the Lord, in spite of the pain? Then get buckled up and let the transformation begin. The one whom Christ sets free shall be free indeed.

Father God, Breathe on us Your breath of life. Transform us by the power of Your Holy Spirit and, in the transformation, let us ascend to Your throne to worship You in spirit and truth. Thank You for Your love. I ask that You set us free from those things that keep us bound. We offer them to You, Lord. We choose to join hands with You and dance as a soul set free.
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If you received Morning Glory via email, please go to the Morning Glory page to worship with Brian Doerkson as he sings, “Breath of God”. While you are there I would love for you to leave a comment. That thrills my little writer’s heart.