Okay. So it all began with this. On Pinterest. At midnight. All by myself.
And was quickly followed by this:
And this:
And thus began a laugh-fest that lasted for over two hours! I laughed until my belly hurt and tears created a small river down my cheeks…
At midnight.
All by myself.
It was glorious!
The pain, the worry, the devastation flowed from my spirit, literally transforming into joy as the cackles and snorts broke up the fallow ground of my heart.
Solomon, the great man of wisdom, spoke these words, “A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bone”. ~ Proverbs 17:22
Yes, and amen!
I have been broken and crushed. I don’t even know how we’re going to pay the bills this week, but you know what? I have found the joy of the Lord once again. Where once that small river of tears was born of extreme despair, now my tears are reflecting the goodness of God. He is amazing.
And He knows what He’s talking about.
There is strength in the joy of the Lord. There is peace. There is hope.
Psalm 126 reads, “When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing.”
The Lord is my Deliverer. He is bringing me out of captivity into His marvelous Light. I can dream again. I can laugh again. And I’ll never stop singing His praises.
Beloved of God, you are not alone in your despair. God sees and He knows all about it. You, too, will be brought out of your captivity and learn to laugh again.
Our God is faithful.
Now, don’tcha feel better?
Father God, Thank You for the gift of joy. Thank You for the gift of grace, for that is what You’ve extended to me. I am so grateful. Thank You for the laughter. Thank You for the hope. And thank You for every promise of Your Word. I love You.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page. I’ve got a foot stomping, smile-provoking video of Kristyn Getty singing, “Every Promise”. You’re gonna love it.
I,m so glad I found your blog! It is very encouraging and the music videos are a fantastic way of introducing music which I might not have heard before. I'll look forward to reading your previous posts.
Susan, what a blessing you are! Thank you. I try to find songs that we're not familiar with so there's a greater impact and reinforcement of the message. I'm so glad you stopped by. Bless you!
I'm glad to hear you had a laugh-fest, Nan. Laughter truly is like a medicine. And so is His peace. The best medicine we can have…and it's free for the asking!
Praying for God's bountiful provision this week, and the next, and the next… He is able.
Yes, ma'am, He IS able. Thank you for your prayers. I'm pretty sure this laugh-fest is going to become a speaking topic. Just sayin'…. 😀
I prayed for you this morning that the God who provides would bless you richly.
Mary Jane! You're so precious. I know He will. I told David we need to find a tall wooden staff like Moses had because we're standing at the edge of the Red Sea. Now we just need for it to part 😀
Oh, how I need my own laughing fest. Lately I've been at the 42nd Psalm, Why are you cast down oh my soul! My husband employment struggles have added a few more chapters in the last months. This Tuesday he got a new position, and we're hoping for God's sustaining hands. We're so weary of this wilderness… We know there is purpose in everything God does, and what we're asking right now is to reveal His son to us. We're praying for wisdom and revelation, because unless we learn the lessons He's trying to reach us, we may continue to walk in circles for… 40 years?
What we need more than anything is the satisfying power of the True Bread from Heaven and the Living Waters of His abiding presence!
Praying you'll get the same!
Ah Nan! This is where your comment came from, about the healing laughter. What a gift! (That Kermit face is precious!) I suggested that you and I have a night at Olive Garden and get our 'chortles' on! Too bad we don't live closer 🙁
I am so glad that your fog has lifted. God does know about our moods, and is right there, trying to lift us. I think he found just the right thing for you! Just like him, right?
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!