“But, Daddy, I don’t want to go!”

It was time for our grandson to return to his mom’s house. Broken homes equal broken hearts. Even when there’s no animosity between divorced parents, broken homes still equal broken hearts.

I cuddled him in my lap, wiping his tears. “Do you want me to ride with you and daddy to your momma’s house?”

He shook his head up and down.

I sat in the backseat holding his hand, stroking the soft skin. The night was ablaze with a full moon. Its brilliance was glorious, its light reflecting off the snow-laden mountains. 

“Look at the moon,” I said. “Did you know that all of creation praises God with its beauty?” My grandson nodded his head once again. As his eyes searched the night sky, I could tell his mind was beginning to focus on blessings rather than his disappointment. We began looking to the heavens in search of evidence of God. Clouds were rolling in over the mountains, their colossal shapes defined by the moonlight.

And then, the Lord showed His tenderness to my grandchild.

“Grandma, look! It’s a car! That cloud is a car.”

Sure enough, the cloud that had drifted in front of the moon looked exactly like a sports car. There was even a square shape where the trunk would be, complete with fenders and wheels. No, I’m not kidding. I’m sure most of us have found shapes in the clouds, but at night? And a car? Not me.

Even in the magnificence of God, He remains tender toward His child.

My little guy adores cars. Always has. Always will. Just like his daddy. I said, “God just gave you a hug, a special gift just to let you know He loves you.” You should have seen the grin. Beautiful.

The “car” remained back-lit from the moon until we reached his momma’s house. Together, we rejoiced in the goodness of God. I hugged him goodbye. As my son and I drove back down the mountain road I watched the night sky. The “car” cloud was no longer there. It had morphed into nondescript ripples parading in front of a glorious moon.


“Great are the works of the LORD; 
They are pondered by all who delight in them. 
Glorious and majestic are his deeds, 
and His righteousness endures forever. 
He has caused His wonders to be remembered; 
The LORD is gracious and compassionate.” 
~ Psalm 11:2-4, NIV

Tweetables to Encourage Others

We began looking to the heavens in search of evidence of God. (Click to Tweet)

Even in the magnificence of God, He remains tender toward His child. (Click to Tweet)

Do you need to know how much you’re loved? I pray this will encourage you. (Click to Tweet)

If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory  page. I’m featuring a favorite of many: “Shout to the Lord” by Darlene Zschech of Hillsong. This just might be what you need to get through the day.