“You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.” ~ Psalm 32:7, NKJV
Screeching tires screamed in my ears; burning rubber stung my nostrils. Like a slow motion video, the eighteen-wheeler careened sideways then arced into a wild fishtail. Smoke billowed from the tires and brakes. The huge bulldozer on its trailer bed bucked and heaved as its carrier fought to gain control.
Our little white Subaru was the target.
The two cars ahead of us were stopped – the first car waiting to turn left. We had maybe five or six feet left before we would also be completely stopped – with nowhere to go. David jerked the wheel to the left and floored it across Highway 221 right in front of a sedan coming at us.
Time stood still.
I remember the frantic clasping of my hands over my eyes. Over my face.
I remember the screams – the eery, gut-wrenching sobs that erupted uncontrollably out of me.
And I remember David pulling off the road, holding me and letting me release the sheer, unadulterated fear. He held me until there was no more.
Then David did a remarkable thing.
He took my hand and placed it on the front of the dashboard. “Remember this?” he said. In my mind’s eye I saw the sign of the cross that we had drawn with anointing oil as we asked God’s protection on our little Subaru. God had honored our prayer – our childlike faith.
I cried some more, this time with tears of gratitude. There was no natural way that David and I should be alive. Miraculously, the truck came to a stop, his cab was in the grass on the shoulder of the road and his trailer, with the bulldozer, had swung behind him, stopping inches before crushing the two cars that had stopped before us.
The Presence of the Lord surrounded us, hiding David and me from the evil that sought to destroy us. God is no respecter of persons. What He did for us He can do for you. It is a moment by moment relationship with Elohim, the Creator of the Universe, that places us in the palm of His hand.
His Son Jesus will show you the way.
Father, I am forever grateful for Your protection last week. Thank You for Your faithfulness, Your love and mercy. Thank You for Your angels that guard us and thank You for Your Presence that surrounds us. You are a Mighty God, Maker of heaven and earth. Nothing is too difficult for You. I praise Your holy Name.
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I am so glad you decided to write about this. It gave me chills to think about that moment. Your senses were in slow motion as if time stood still. You did a remarkable job of transforming your readers to that time and place. God is so good. I am so thankful He jerked the wheel through David's hands. I Love you.
Thank you Christina. I don't think I will ever forget it. I would love to know if the truck driver saw any angels or anything he couldn't explain. It was definitely a divine moment. I love you.
Nan, When I read this, I began to hold my breath as if it were happening to me. I got light-headed and nauseaus and I cried when your car stopped at its resting place.But, when David placed your hand against the dashboard, I had a feverish chill all over my body and I praised Him for protecting two of my favorite people. I am so thankful!
Kady, you are such a love. I appreciate your kind words so much. People who have seen the skid marks are amazed that everyone came out unscathed. Unbelievable. Thanks for stopping by. Blessings 🙂