“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His Name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” ~ Isaiah 9:6

And His name will be called Jesus.

The pain was more than I could bear. Sorrow upon sorrow piled high upon my heart until it bled from the weight of anguish. In less than seven months my family was gone: my brother committed suicide; my daddy died of leukemia. Mom had passed many years earlier from breast cancer leaving a gaping hole and wounded spirit that had never quite healed.

I believed. YES!(I told myself). I believed in a merciful God. I knew His love…His grace. I knew HIM. But now. Now what do I do with all of this pain? I became numb, too afraid to feel anything for fear that I might unleash an out-of-control torrent of wailing. But all the while I was smothering with grief.

And then I remembered that Name.

“Jesus!” I called. “Jesus!”

I didn’t have the strength to pray anything more…just Jesus. And my Jesus heard my cry.

“My child, Is your pain so great that I cannot bear it for you? Does your anguish run so deep that I am not deeper still? I AM the Lord. I see your sorrow and your emptiness. Give it to Me. Run to Me. Let Me carry you through this valley and lift you high upon the mountaintop where I reign. You are not alone in your grief. My heart breaks for you. But you must remember, I will never leave you nor forsake you. You are Mine and I am yours. I love you with an everlasting love. I died that you might live. I will carry you through this pain and lead you to joy once again.”

And He did. He embraced me with His love, held me when the pain was too great. He brought me joy and taught me how to laugh again. Jesus made me whole again.

He can do the same for you.

Jesus. There’s just something about that name.

Thank You Lord that Your love is sure, Your mercy is great. I pray for my sister or brother who needs the touch of Your healing hand. Mend their broken heart, Lord. Give them Your peace, Your joy, Your assurance. Hold them close and let them know Your Presence. In Your Presence is fullness of joy. In Your Presence we find peace and strength to go on. Thank You Lord. We love You so much.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please go to the Morning Glory page to be blessed beyond measure as the Gaither Vocal Band sings “There’s Something About That Name.”