When the blush of dawn proclaims holiness to the Lord

The blush of dawn unfurled like a delicate rose. Layer upon layer of darkness rolled away, yielding — bowing — to the morning light. Lavender and teal, tangerine and coral swirled together on the canvas of the sky — a palette of exquisite colors proclaiming holiness to the Lord.

A sacred hush fell as the dark of night held its last breath. Stillness — creation remembering that He is God.

The Atmosphere Resounded with Wonder

With the unfurling of the morning sky came an exuberant song of praise. From all corners of our mountain hollar a melody rose like the grandest of orchestras. Sparrows, cardinals, and chickadees trumpeted their song, knowing that the One who knows when they fall, the One who feeds them from His hand, the One who alone is worthy of praise, had awakened the dawn and covered the earth with His glory.

Together with the rising sun, the birds proclaimed holiness to the Lord. The atmosphere resounded with wonder.

even the birds proclaimed His holiness

A gentle breeze began to whisper across our land. The trees swayed and clapped their hands to the rhythm of the birdsong. From deep within came my song:

“Oh, sing to the Lord a new song! Sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless His Name … for the Lord is great and greatly to be praised … Honor and majesty are before Him; Strength and beauty are in His sanctuary … Oh, worship the Lord with the beauty of holiness!” ~ Psalm 96:1,2,4,6,9

God’s Holiness Settled Upon the Earth So Still

The morning sun crested the mountain ridge, rising higher and higher, brighter and brighter until all creation was ablaze with its marvelous light. His mercies, new every morning, scattered across my heart like the rose petals of the dawn.

Great is His faithfulness.

Beautiful is His holiness.



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Sweet blessings to you,