I pulled my jacket closer to my chin. The fall air felt crisp, even though the sun shone faithfully in the eastern sky. I rounded the curve by the massive sugar maple, its glorious shades of crimson now transitioning to brown — broken pieces of former glory.
Broken Pieces Got My Attention
While pondering the tree’s recent beauty, I heard a crackling sound at my feet. A multitude of brown, brittle leaves hurried across the road in front of me, ushered by a brisk wind. The crackling was pronounced.
The image stopped me from my walk as God’s Holy Spirit tapped on my heart.
I stood still as the burnished cinnamon-colored leaves paraded in front of me, a mere shadow of their former beauty. Now they crumbled in the wind and rustled with crackling sounds as they rushed across the road.
Intuitively, I thought of broken areas in this nation that I love. Broken pieces of former glory. Each of us has a story and yes, so does our nation. And now as we face days of uncertainty laced with vile hatred, division, and violence, it’s difficult to not be afraid. And angry. And HUGELY disappointed by the corruption in our land.
As I stood there watching the leaves and considering the wind that scattered them over to the distant field, I was reminded of the Lord’s Presence. His breath is like a mighty wind! He walks on the wings of the wind, and the clouds are but the dust of His feet.
Like the brisk wind blowing the dying, crumbling leaves across my path, the Spirit of God is breathing anew on His people, and removing the broken places from our lives and nation. I fully believe He has heard the cries of His people, the prayers of repentance on behalf of this great land. Therefore, I have no doubt He is with us.
He is revealing truth.
The Spirit of God is Breathing Anew on His People Removing the Broken Pieces
The breath of His Spirit is ushering the brittle, dead pieces of our democracy away, and like a mighty rushing wind the Lord our God is pouring out His Spirit on His people like never before.
“Do not yield to fear, for I am always near.
Never turn your gaze from Me, for I am your faithful God.
I will infuse you with My strength
and help you in every situation.
I will hold you firmly with My victorious right hand.’” ~ Isaiah 41:10, TPT
God is with us. He is for us and not against us! As a people, we must focus our eyes on the Lord and His faithfulness, and remember that His love never fails. Remember that things are not always as they seem.
Walk by faith and not by sight.
Our God is still on the throne. I trust Him. Will you?
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Sweet blessings to you,