Category: Light into Darkness

I’m Groping in the Dark God. Where is Your Hand?

Lord, You said, “Seek My face,” and I said, “Your face I will seek.” You promised if I seek You with all of my heart, I would find You. And I did. And You did. And I’m so thankful. But lately, it seems I’m groping in the dark, desperately reaching for Your hand.

I know You’re there — I have no doubt. But the trials have been intense and the darkness has tried to consume me. And fear … I am constantly fighting to keep fear at bay because I know You don’t want me to be afraid.

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Finding God’s Presence ~ A Prayer When You Need Light in Your Darkness

Lord, You are the light in my darkness, my constant refuge who changes not — I love to sing Your praises and tell of Your faithfulness. I ask that You keep my footsteps within Your beacon of light as I take each step into my tomorrows. Open my ears to hear Your voice clearly. I’m trusting You to make the crooked places straight again, the broken places whole.

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