Category: grace

The Little Foxes are Ruining the Vine, Lord. Help!

Lord, the birdsong outside my window is glorious. The simple praise of my feathered friends brings me back to the center and reminds me that You are in the details of my life, big and small. Even the little irritants — the little foxes — can be used by You for my good and Your glory.

When I keep my eyes on You, the things of earth grow dim, they lose their power over me. When I keep my eyes on You, my heart is kept in peace and thankfulness escapes my lips.

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Finding God’s Presence ~ A Prayer When You Need Light in Your Darkness

Lord, You are the light in my darkness, my constant refuge who changes not — I love to sing Your praises and tell of Your faithfulness. I ask that You keep my footsteps within Your beacon of light as I take each step into my tomorrows. Open my ears to hear Your voice clearly. I’m trusting You to make the crooked places straight again, the broken places whole.

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Where is God When Anxiety and Depression Overwhelm Me?

Lord, I can hear You calling, feel You nudging, tapping my shoulder to turn and face You and fall into Your open arms. You want me to rest in You, to conquer the anxiety pounding in my heart — the depression that stifles and isolates me.

You want me to stand still, be still, cease striving, and watch as You part the waters that I must pass through.

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What Happened on the River’s Edge?

Tears began to flow like the river below. Hands raised in sweet surrender, hearts yielding to the gentle whispers of the Holy Spirit bidding us to come. One by one rocks were released. I watched as mine hit the water. It broke the surface and then the water came up and over to symbolically consume the burden of my heart.

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Clinging to Hope From God’s Grace-filled Hands

The sound of many pages turning filled the sanctuary. I love that sound. Somehow it feels like glue — a connector piece binding my church family together as one, each of us on our own journey, with our own joys and sorrows, trials and difficulties, yet each of us grasping for Jesus, clinging to hope.

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