Category: Christian speaker

I’m Groping in the Dark God. Where is Your Hand?

Lord, You said, “Seek My face,” and I said, “Your face I will seek.” You promised if I seek You with all of my heart, I would find You. And I did. And You did. And I’m so thankful. But lately, it seems I’m groping in the dark, desperately reaching for Your hand.

I know You’re there — I have no doubt. But the trials have been intense and the darkness has tried to consume me. And fear … I am constantly fighting to keep fear at bay because I know You don’t want me to be afraid.

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Bleary-Eyed from a Restless Sleep … But Jesus

I crawled out of bed, bleary-eyed from a restless sleep. My mind careened from one worrisome thought to another, my soul quaked with anxiety.

Curling up on the couch with my Bible and coffee, I turned my thoughts to Jesus. I Exalt Thee played softly in the background and I began to relax into the arms of my Savior …

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My Faith Has Roots, Lord, But I Need Some Fertilizer

How great You are, O Lord! You are high and lifted up, exalted above all the earth. I am Yours and You are mine … forever. These things I know. These things I believe — my faith has roots. But, I sure could use some fertilizer.

You pour out Your grace abundantly, but recently it seems like I’ve needed more.

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Even Broken Ground is Holy When God is Near

Several years ago, I needed to be reminded that God is near in my difficult places. I sat on a moss-laden boulder wedged in the soil high above the river streaming through the valley below — a stream flowing in purpose, a stream of life, a stream of beauty even as it coursed over broken branches and places filled with jagged rocks.

It flowed steadily.

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Why Am I Despairing, Lord, If I Find My Hope in You?

Lord, You are Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, and my Prince of Peace. You are my everything. So why am I despairing if I find my hope in You? This battle …

This battle between flesh and spirit is hard. I stand firm on Your promises, I know Your Word is true, but when I allow my mind to wander and my focus to settle on the difficult places … well, despair slinks in.

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I Am Clay in Your Hands God, but the Process … Oy!

Lord, You are the Potter, I am clay in Your hands. You shape me and mold me into a vessel for Your glory, so it’s good … all good. There is purpose in the shaping, but mercy goodness! Sometimes the pressure is hard.

And yet … what a beautiful expression of Your love. You sanctify us — You shape us and mold us and refine us in the fire so that we might know You more, so that we will become holy as You are holy.

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So Great a Cloud of Witnesses Found in the Birdsong

I woke early this morning. Grabbing a cup of coffee, I wandered to the couch, sat curled up on the end, and enjoyed a gentle refreshing breeze coming through the open window. The light of dawn burst through the dark of night as birdsong broke through the silence. So great a cloud of witnesses there in the breaking of dawn.


None were visible, but all were heard.

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God, You are the Burden-Bearer, Not the Burden-Giver

Lord, You are high and lifted up, You are Lord over all the earth! You are mighty, filled with wonder and power and yet You are tender towards Your children You are the Burden-Bearer, not the Burden-Giver.

My burdens are great. Many I know are heavy-laden with burdens of the heart and by the struggles this fallen world creates.

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He is the Alpha & Omega, But I’m Found in the Middle

Lord, I love the knowledge of Your sovereignty. I love the fact that You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. But I’m here in the middle, waiting, wondering … hoping for a heavenly response to my need.

Give me eyes to see, Lord. Give me tenacious faith to wait, perseverance to hope.

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When Peace Evaded Me, Where Was My God?

I tucked my legs beneath me in the corner of the sofa. Coffee steam rose from my favorite cup. I clutched my Bible to my chest and rested my head against the sofa’s back. My eyes closed while I tried to settle my spirit, but peace seemed like a distant desire with no relief in sight. I felt very troubled. Peace evaded me.

One of my favorite psalms began to flow from my heart and escape my lips:

Hear my cry, O God; Attend to my prayer …

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God Knows My Heart Before I Utter a Word

I held the warmth of my coffee cup to my chin, allowing the steam to rise and help remove the chill of this frosty spring morning. Sitting quietly, gazing out the window at the wonder of God’s creation, I sensed God’s presence drawing near. We didn’t speak. There was no need. God knows my heart before I utter a word.

David’s dementia is increasing, his ability to reason escaping his gentle spirit. It’s been a hard few days … and I needed to be held in my Savior’s love.

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Prayer to Make Space for Grace When Life is Screaming Loud

Lord, life is hard — often! Without You, I don’t think I could have made it. I know Your grace is sufficient, but I must learn to consistently make space for grace.

In my mind’s eye I can see You pouring living water from a golden pitcher onto the parched earth. As it falls, I watch it transform into manna — morsels of grace — provided from Your hand.

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