Because of Jesus, it is well with my soul.

Out of the blue, my spirit began to sing — not out loud, but like the still, small voice of the Lord, When peace like a river attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, “It is well … it is well with my soul.”

Can I Truly Proclaim, “It is Well With My Soul?”

I zeroed in on “peace like a river ATTENDETH my way.”

That particular phrase had never grabbed my attention before … until now.

Weeks of sorrow brought on by grief over times gone by and now lost, were slowly drawing me into a pit. I could feel it. I knew it was happening, but I felt powerless against its grip.’

Powerless until the Spirit of God spoke to me: His peace — He, Himself, is our peace — attends my way. He is guarding me like a sentinel. He is hedging me in from the front, and behind so that no harm can come to His child.

The peace of my Lord is like a river flowing effortlessly — always. And along its shoreline, the dapples of sunlight whisper, "It is well with my soul."

The Most High God is attending my way.

He is El Roi, the God who sees me and knows all about it.

His eyes roam to and fro across the earth searching for those like me who love Him dearly and need to be encouraged in our journey.

The peace of my Lord is like a river flowing effortlessly — always. And along its shoreline, the dapples of sunlight whisper, “It is well with my soul.”

He reminded me that although sorrows like sea billows roll, I will not be drowned — to fear not, because He is with me and will carry me across to the other side.

Sweet friend, what He has done for me, He will do for you. Are you drowning in sorrow? Is the pit deep, sides slippery with sludge that won’t allow you to climb out? Call on His name, “Jesus … Jesus”. His mighty hand will stretch through the darkness and draw you out into His marvelous light.

I promise.

God is Faithful

And then you will be reminded of the faithfulness of Your God. His goodness will warm your heart and strengthen your tired bones.

And together with me, we will proclaim, “It is well with my soul.”

For He is good.




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Sweet blessings to you,