“41-43 Elijah said to Ahab, “Up on your feet! Eat and drink—celebrate! Rain is on the way [supernatural downpours]; I hear it coming.” Ahab did it: got up and ate and drank. Meanwhile, Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bowed deeply in prayer, his face between his knees. Then he said to his young servant, “On your feet now! Look toward the sea.” He went, looked, and reported back, “I don’t see a thing.” “Keep looking,” said Elijah, “seven times if necessary.”
44 And sure enough, the seventh time he said, “Oh yes, a cloud! But very small, no bigger than someone’s hand, rising out of the sea.” “Quickly then, on your way. Tell Ahab, ‘Saddle up and get down from the mountain before the rain stops you.’”
45-46 Things happened fast. The sky grew black with wind-driven clouds, and then a huge cloudburst of rain, with Ahab hightailing it in his chariot for Jezreel. And God strengthened Elijah mightily. ” ~ 1 Kings 18:41-45, AMP
Can You Hear the Sound of Supernatural Downpours?
Lord, You are Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, and my Prince of Peace. You are who You say You are. You do what You say You will do. I’m believing You for supernatural downpours, but I can’t even see a cloud on the horizon.
It’s so hard — this walking by faith and not by sight. There are days I can believe You for anything without reservation, but then … then there are days that hope wiggles out of the broken crevices in my heart and tears drip into a soggy mess.
On those days, Lord, would You stir my faith? Would You whisper Your Truth into my waiting ear and reassure me once more?

I need You to do that, Lord.
I need You to be my strength when I am weak.
I need You to be my hope when all I feel is despair.
I need You to be my vision when I am blinded and distracted by my circumstances.
Nothing is too hard for You, Lord. This I know. Behold You are the Lord God of all flesh! Remind me in my knower that supernatural downpours of Your grace, Your favor, Your provisions are on the horizon … because You said so.
We Can Trust God for Supernatural Downpours in His Perfect Timing
While I wait, I will worship You. I will bow in prayer, humbly submitting to Your will, being persistent in my request with thanksgiving knowing You have heard my heart.
And I will give You praise.
In Jesus’s Name I pray,
Amen — let it be so.
Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at nan@nanjones.com
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Sweet blessings to you,