God is with us on our journey to guide, comfort, and protect.

God is with us on our journey to guide, comfort, and protect.

Lord, take my hand and lead me on to the mountaintop of my God. The journey is difficult with jagged precipices and rock-strewn paths. I trip easily and lose my footing but then, from bended knee bruised from the fall, I look up and see Your lovely face and all is well.

Thank You for holding my hand as we travel together. Thank You for being near.

Lead me beside still waters where I can rest and be refreshed. Help me find the green pastures where I can lay down like a child at play and cease my striving.

Restore me Lord. Strengthen me according to Your Word and I will be strengthened to do Your will. Pour into me knowledge and wisdom, understanding and power. Ignite a flame within me to dispel the darkness in my little part of the world.

Lord, I know many who share my heart’s desires. Use us Lord, to make a difference in the lives of others. Prepare each of us for the days ahead. Help us carry Your love into the hurting places of people’s hearts, speaking Your Word over the desert places, speaking life over the dead bones.

Help us see the need, Lord. People need the Lord. They need You, Jesus. May we never take You for granted.

You are a great God. You alone are worthy of our praise.

In Jesus’ Name I pray,


Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love for you to share what’s on your heart in the comments below. Scroll a little farther down and you’ll see where you can leave your comments. Together, we can find the nearness of God in our darkest moments.

Sweet blessings to you,



Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you.

You  may contact me directly at nan@nanjones.com


Have you had a chance to read Faith Notes ~ Kristi Carden: Would My Protective Wall Ever Come Tumbling Down?

I met this remarkable woman several years ago. Kristi Carden and I were both taking our first step out of the boat in the sea of writing at a writers retreat in Todd, NC. She made my heart smile from the very first hug inside that mountain cabin.

Over the years I’ve watched Kristi handle life’s tragedies with courage and grace. I’ve laughed at her shenanigans with her boys, and I’ve been blessed by her love for her husband, Cliff. I believe you will be encouraged by Kristi’s transparency as she struggled for many years to let down her wall that kept others out and allowed her own heart to remain in isolation so she could survive.

Jesus made a difference in this girl’s life. We both pray He will make a difference in yours too.