Roots dug deep, challenging the gale-force winds

The windswept branches snaked around the body of the tree, curling, grasping. Weather-beaten, the tree defied all odds. It stood its ground. Roots dug deep, clinching their fists into the rocky soil of the mountain ridge, challenging the gale-force winds in battle after battle.

And stood it did.

The Gale-Force Winds Couldn’t Take Me Down

Evidence of the battles reflected courage and endurance in the twisting of the branches that flexed in the wind, rather than breaking in the torment. The tree leaned a little to the left, bent from the onslaught of relentless storms. Bare branches protruded from the gnarly trunk.

But stood it did.

It’s interesting to me that the Lord gave me this image today of the weather-beaten tree as I read from Exodus 15:

“With Your unfailing love, You lead the people You have redeemed. In Your might, You guide them to Your sacred home … You will bring them in and plant them on Your own mountain – the place, O Lord, reserved for Your own dwelling, the sanctuary, O Lord, that Your hands have established” (vs. 13 & 17, NLT).

roots dug deep, challenged by the gale-force winds

These verses are part of the Song of Moses – the beautiful, triumphant song of praise sung by Moses and the children of Israel after miraculously crossing the Red Sea.

I thought of my own battles, those relentless gale-force winds beating me down, twisting and turning me. I thought of how my roots of faith have clinched their fists into the crevices of the Rock along the ridge of God’s holy mountain…that place where He has led me and planted me in His sanctuary.

Yes, I’m worn. I’m weary, battered, and bruised. But I still stand.

And so do you.

We stand before the One who made us, the One who died for us so that we could dwell forever in His Presence. And when that glorious day comes, and the blinding storms can no longer touch us, our souls will be clothed in a raiment of white linen, our faces reflecting the brilliance of His Light.

We Are Oaks of Righteousness, the Planting of the Lord

Gone will be the gale-force winds of the storms.

Gone will be the broken and bent pieces of our hearts.

Gone will be the fatigue of having stood another day.

We will stand in righteousness like the great oaks the Lord has planted for His glory and life eternal will spring from the roots still clinching their fists in the crevices of the Rock.



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Sweet blessings to you,