On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross ...

Finally, after a soaking rain, the sun shone through the crisp blue of the summer sky. The rain had ushered in cooler air – perfect for an afternoon walk. I rounded the curve near the meadow. My spirit stirred and I began to sing The Old Rugged Cross – a hymn that has carried me through many storms.

Where Would We Be Without The Old Rugged Cross?

On a hill far away, stood an old rugged cross
The emblem of suffering and shame…

A breeze tousled the canopy of leaves overhead. I raised my face toward heaven, closed my eyes and pictured Jesus on the cross. I thought of what His great sacrifice meant to me – how His love allowed me to walk hand in hand with the Creator of the Universe, how my mind can be stayed in peace when I think of Him.

Peace. Glorious peace.

And I love that old cross, where the dearest and best
For a world of lost sinners was slain.

I caught a glimpse of Him passing by.

Movement to my right caught my attention. A swallowtail fluttered above the amethyst fluff of a thistle. I watched the butterfly settle upon the sweet source of nectar and, for the first time, realized that its gossamer wings of butter were bordered with the colors of stained glass. 

Stained glass. 

Like a church window.

I’ve disciplined myself to be alert to God moments — ever watching for Him, always listening for His quiet voice.

I quickly realized this was such a moment.

Spiked leaves and thorns protruded in a circular fashion beneath the purple blossom sitting regally above the thorny crown, its long stem thrusting it towards the heavens. I watched as the swallowtail drank deeply of the nectar, unperturbed that I was only inches away.

After its long drink, the butterfly rested without fear. Content. At one with its Creator.

A God-Sighting

The buttery wings with borders of stained glass reflected the Savior’s love to me. As if looking through the glass, I caught a glimpse of Him passing by. My spirit rejoiced at His refreshing.

So I’ll cherish the old rugged cross
Til my trophies at last I lay down
And I will cling to the old rugged cross
And exchange it someday for a crown. 

Jesus bids us to come and drink of His Living Water, to rest peacefully — unafraid in the presence of our enemies. Won’t you come?

Joy awaits.



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Sweet blessings to you,