When life doesn't make sense, look up!

I relaxed on the gentle slope alongside the river flowing through the mountain valley. Life had been difficult. Do you know that season? When life doesn’t make sense? It was one of those days.

The silken ribbon streaming in front of me captured my gaze — its beginning and end I knew not.

However, its Creator I know well.

What Should I Do When Life Doesn’t Make Sense?

Peace whispered to me as I thought about everything … thought about nothing. Back and forth. Everything. Nothing. Sometimes a brain gets worn out from thinking too much. It short-circuits and says, “No more, my dear. No more.”

That was me on this beautiful summer afternoon.

I heard birdsong across the way. Looking up from the river, I searched the trees along its bank. But the melody was coming from a higher point.

When life doesn't make sense, look up!

I followed the song with my eyes. Higher and higher my gaze went until I saw a flash of deep blue against the summer sky. It was an indigo bunting serenading me.

But more importantly, his praise had caused me to lift my eyes to the hills just like King David. I wonder if David also had those days when life doesn’t make sense. He wrote:

I will lift up my eyes to the hills — from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber … the Lord is your keeper…” ~ Psalm 121:1-3, 5

I took in the glorious sight of the heavens high above me. Its vast grandeur overwhelmed me with thankful tears.

When life doesn't make sense, look up!

How great is our God that He hung the moon and the stars in their place and told the ocean how far it could come? How great is His love that He asked the indigo bunting to serenade me so that my eyes would lift to behold His glory in the afternoon sky?

needed to behold His glory.

I needed to remember His faithfulness.

“His abiding truth does not change with my mood, and He never wavers when I stumble and fall over a promise of His through my unbelief. His faithfulness stands firm and as prominent as mountain peaks of pearl splitting the clouds of eternity. And each base of His hills is rooted at an unfathomable depth on the rock of God.” ~ James Smetham


How great is our God?

And how wonderful His love?

God is Here For You

Are you overwhelmed by life’s difficulties also? What will you do when life doesn’t make sense? Sweet friend, I encourage you to lift your eyes and behold His glory. Remember His faithfulness. Embrace His magnificence as He loves you and me so tenderly, protects us so mightily, and cares for us endlessly.

It really is quite remarkable.


What is a way you remember God’s faithfulness when life doesn’t make sense and the days are hard?


Thank you so much for stopping by. I would love for you to share what’s on your heart in the comments below. Scroll a little farther down and you’ll see where you can leave your comments. Together, we can find the nearness of God in our darkest moments.

Sweet blessings to you,