He fills the broken places with liquid grace.

He fills the broken places with liquid grace.

Lord, I can feel Your hand upon me molding me into the vessel You desire for Your glory. I am but a jar of clay, yet You are filling the broken places with molten liquid grace that shimmers golden in Your light. You are transforming me for Your purposes, Your heart’s desires. I’m not worthy, Lord — so unworthy, and yet You call my name and remind me that You have chosen me for such a time as this.

You have chosen my friends, too. We all fit into Your eternal plan. Our gifts and talents, our personalities with their weaknesses and strengths all fit into Your plan … because You chose us for such a time as this. Awaken our hearts to realize this, Lord, and to walk with courage into Your purposes.

You are the potter. We are the clay. Melt us. Mold us. Repair the shattered hearts with Your golden grace that You may fill us to overflowing. We want to be used by You, Lord — even in the simplest ways.

For You are good, Lord. You are faithful and worthy of our praise. We love you.

In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.


Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you.

You may contact me directly at nan@nanjones.com


Is life coming at you hard and you need a minute to just step away and focus on the Lord?I have created a facebook community page, Seeing Beyond the Veil, that will fill this need for you. It brims with worship, inspiration, scriptures, and prayers — sips of Living Water to refresh a dehydrated heart. I hope you’ll join us.

Seeing Beyond the Veil