Category: COVID19

A Prayer When Anxiety Over the Future Threatens Your Peace

Lord, You are sovereign. You are good. You hung the stars in place and told the ocean how far it could come. You know the number of hairs on my head and call me by name. So why do I worry? Why do I feel such anxiety over the future?

Search my anxious thoughts, Lord, and bathe them in Your peace, washing away its power over me.

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A Whirlwind Prompts the Omnipotent God to Speak

It feels like a whirlwind, doesn’t it? Every day is wrought with chaos, confusion, and despair. Every day is rife with hopelessness. Dim, empty eyes stare beyond the masks in their search for peace.

I grabbed my jacket and took off for a much needed walk. The periwinkle sky of November illuminated the remaining red and yellow leaves of fall. Sunshine bathed me in warmth as I labored up the hill to the white clapboard church where a bench awaited me.

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A Prayer When An Unknown Future Needs Reassurance

Lord, You are sovereign over all the earth. Great are You, Lord! You hung the stars in place. You tell the ocean how far it can come. And You orchestrate our days even when we face an unknown future.

Our future is known by You — You hold our days under Your tender watch-care because of Your great love.

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A Prayer When Groping in the Dark for God’s Hand

Lord, You are my light and my salvation, my refuge and my strength. Darkness is seeping into every corner of the world, it seems. But I know You are with us. When I’m groping in the dark trying to find You, You light the way for me. Your abiding presence brings me comfort, for You are sovereign, in control. And You are aware.

Some days fear and uncertainty try to overtake me, making it harder to find You as I’m groping in the dark. My hand is fumbling, seeking the familiarity of Your touch.

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A Prayer When Fear is Eroding My Faith

Lord, if ever our world needed You, it is now. Life as we have known it seems to be eroding — dissolving, disintegrating — right in front of our eyes.

But You are aware of this. Nothing that is happening is without Your watchful eye. You have not abandoned us. You have not forsaken us.

And You never will.

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