Category: Anxiety

The Little Foxes are Ruining the Vine, Lord. Help!

Lord, the birdsong outside my window is glorious. The simple praise of my feathered friends brings me back to the center and reminds me that You are in the details of my life, big and small. Even the little irritants — the little foxes — can be used by You for my good and Your glory.

When I keep my eyes on You, the things of earth grow dim, they lose their power over me. When I keep my eyes on You, my heart is kept in peace and thankfulness escapes my lips.

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Rain Was Coming. So Was Grace … a Brook of Blessing

I rounded the curve along the meadow’s edge, pressing into the blustery breeze. Dark clouds hovered overhead as treetops swayed to the rhythm of the wind. Rain was coming.

I pulled the collar of my jacket a little tighter.

Sometimes a girl just has to press in, keep one foot stepping in front of the other, and move forward.

Even when it’s difficult.

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A Prayer When Anxiety Over the Future Threatens Your Peace

Lord, You are sovereign. You are good. You hung the stars in place and told the ocean how far it could come. You know the number of hairs on my head and call me by name. So why do I worry? Why do I feel such anxiety over the future?

Search my anxious thoughts, Lord, and bathe them in Your peace, washing away its power over me.

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A Prayer For a Sure Place Among Insecurities

Lord, You are my hope, my strength, my joy. In You I find rest. In You I find a sure place — a steady, consistent place of refuge I can depend upon, especially when the storms of life rage.

Thank You for Your abiding presence that soothes my fears, that conquers my insecurities. You are amazing.

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Finding God’s Presence ~ When Life Comes in Sudden Like A Flash Flood

Like a flash flood roaring through a mountain canyon, anxiety came out of nowhere to overtake me. I was caught by surprise and taken down by its destructive power. I quickly found myself submerged in turbulent waters filled with debris from a broken heart — debris that I thought had been removed from my spirit. Debris that blocks the flow of Living Water, the well from which I find my peace.

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