Now Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of the roar of an abundance of rain.” So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he crouched down to the earth and put his face between his knees to pray, and he said to his servant, “Go up, look toward the sea.” So he went up and looked and said, “There is nothing.” Elijah said, “Go back” seven times [each time continuing to pray]. And at the seventh time the servant said, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is coming up from the sea.” And Elijah said, “Go up, say to Ahab, ‘Prepare your chariot and go down, so that the rain shower does not stop you.’” In a little while the sky grew dark with clouds and wind, and there were heavy showers. ~ 1 Kings 18:41-45, AMP
Praying for Outcomes Beyond Our Control
Lord, I have been praying and praying for outcomes beyond my control. I know You hear me. I know and believe You respond. But it’s hard to maintain this walk of faith when the situation seems to be getting worse.
While I wait.
And wait.
Remind me who You are, Lord!

You are the Great I Am. What You say You will do, You will do. You are faithful. You are the One True God, Maker of heaven and earth. Nothing is too hard for You. You are compassionate, full of grace and mercy.
And my needs are Your concern.
So please help me wait while I’m praying.
Help me keep praying in prayer — not in frustration, not in worry, not in trepidation.
But keep praying in prayer because You are responding in Your own way. In Your own time. And many times You are held up as You battle it out in the heavens with my Adversary trying to get the answer to me.
Lord, Help Me Keep Praying in Prayer
Thank You for Your persistence — Your faithfulness.
I choose to wait on You. I choose to believe, to stand firm in my faith.
Open my eyes to see, Lord … to remember that I can trust You to hear my cry. As I seek You in prayer I count it a privilege to come before Almighty God boldly. I want to do that with hope in my heart, with fire in my soul as You stir faith within me to wait … and pray … and wait until all the pieces of the puzzle are in perfect place.
Because that’s what You’re doing, Lord, isn’t it? Putting all the pieces together. When we feel like You’re doing nothing, that’s when You’re doing the most — working everything together for our good.
Keep my eyes fixed on You, Lord. I will be thankful in all things because this is the will of God for me in Christ Jesus … even the waiting part as I pray.
Bless You, Lord.
In Jesus’s Name I pray,
Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at nan@nanjones.com
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Sweet blessings to you,