You are not insignificant to the Lord, your God.
Lord, You steady my heart so beautifully. Thank You. Thank You for Your concern over all things in my life, even those which would seem insignificant to others. You know. You see. And You care. Thank You Father that I am Yours and You are Mine.
You have worked hard to reassure me these past several days. When my mind and thoughts wandered to places of devastation, You led me back to solid ground. You reassured and reaffirmed me. Thank You. When my spirit fell numb, You infused me with Your strength and joy. Thank You for the gift of laughter, especially when tears seem more appropriate. Your joy can’t be explained, but I sure am thankful for it. You bless me Lord.
I pray for those who are walking the hard path right now — those who may feel insignificant in the whole scheme of things. You promise to make the crooked places straight, the desert to be filled with streams of living water. Remind them of Your promises and Your faithfulness. Help them remember in times past when Your love never failed them. Remind them of who they are — children of the Most High God, Maker of Heaven and Earth. In the reminding, please give them hope and peace.
You amaze me Lord. I can’t wait to meet You face to face and worship before Your throne for all of eternity. Thank You for the glimpses of glory You give us here on earth. I pray that I will walk in a way that exemplifies You to others and brings You glory. I love You, Lord.
In Jesus’ Name,
Please don’t carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you.
You may contact me directly at nan@nanjones.com
Beautiful, heart-felt words. Yes and amen. 🙂
Thank you sweet friend. God really is a good, good Father, isn’t He?